The Tashkent metro is one of the most ornate in the world (like of those of Saint Petersburg, Moscow or Kiev) Its stations, built in the 70s and 80s are a real journey back in time! After the earthquake of 1966, architects, workers and craftsmen from all over the Soviet Union rebuilt Tashkent with large boulevards, parks and squares that could accommodate large military parades. It was built to be able to resist an earthquake with a magnitude of 9 on the Richter scale. Since June 2018, it is possible to take photos of the stations. It used to be illegal because the statuions were considered military installations due to their secondary role as bomb shelters.
The blue and red lines, built in the 70s and 80s are the most interesting. Many stations, whose names had a Communist reference, were renamed after independence in 1991 and the decorations evoking the Soviet past were replaced.
The Tashkent metro operates on a “zheton” token system, which can be purchased from a machine or at the cashier: a single journey costs 1,200 Soms (about 12 cents), making it the most affordable metro ride in the former USSR!
Tashkent metro: A journey through its stations
Don’t hesitate to embark on a journey through the metro, getting on and off to explore the most fascinating stations listed below:
The station is famous for its portraits of cosmonauts. The ceramic wall panels mimic the atmosphere of Earth. Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space.
Alisher Navoi
The philosopher and poet gave his name to this magnificent station. The station is adorned with panels representing scenes from his collection of poems “Khamsa”.
Other stations
- Mustaqilliq Maidoni
- Paxtakor
- Gafur Qulom